Cars are my life, my livelihood and my passion. I’ve been into cars since I was a kid. I had a golf buggy-powered Mighty Boy, called ‘The Brat’ at grandpa’s farm at age five, and used to throw my weight around to have more turns than my younger brother. At another farm, nearly a decade later, my friends and I discovered… View Post
My byline not only makes a mark, but offers a rather unique point of view that satisfies both male and female readers. I have written for many of Australia’s leading publications, both in the sphere of motoring and further afield, from features to hard news. My web-based work also includes video, development, art and multimedia. And, of course, I have an unfinished novel… View Post
From web streaming media to television commentary, stunt driving and series presentation. It’s been a wild ride, and while I prefer being behind the camera to in front of it, we’ve all got to get out of that comfort zone from time to time.